Need to Know Habitual Abortion-Meaning Habitual Abortion
Recurrent abortions are not uncommon among women in the US. In a study of 57 women, recurrent Abortions were associated with structural abnormalities in 27% of aborted babies. These abnormalities were grouped with numeric abnormalities, rather than as a separate subgroup. However, the study's findings are limited because the number of affected individuals was relatively low, and the sample size was limited to fetuses with at least two abortions. Moreover, chromosomal abnormalities have also been implicated in habitual abortions . Recurrent miscarriage affects as many as 1 percent of couples. Current estimates indicate that 50-60% of all miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities, although there is considerable controversy over the exact rate. One recent study evaluated 442 RPL and 466 sporadic abortions and found that chromosomal abnormalities were common in abortions among women aged less than 30 years old. Another possible risk factor for recurrent abortions is the lac...